All Things Kids and Babies

Guest Post: Things to consider when choosing the best sport for your child

My name is Zara Lewis and besides being a mom of three: two kids and a puppy, I'm also a designer and freelance writer. I'm passionate about traveling, hiking, cycling and yoga and I love to write about things that are part of my life and inspire me, mostly parenting, beauty and healthy lifestyle topics. I am a regular author on highstylife.com ,...

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3 DIY Melt and Pour Soap Recipes

Lately I have been seriously obsessive about the soap making possess and I have come up with three lovely soap combinations for the melt and pour method. Now, if you are a beginner to soap making and you want a thoughtful, all-natural and adorable gift to give to your family, this holiday, then look no further. Ginger Lemongrass Soap I love these two scent. It's so...

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real estate

Guest Post: How to turn your house into an attractive destination

Author's Bio: Hey! I’m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites. Also, I’m interested in traveling, and my dream is to travel around the whole globe. I’ve already been to Norway, France,...

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