Hummus Dip with Pita Chips Oatmeal with fresh fruits Granola, berries and low-fat yogurt Fruit Smoothie Apple Chips with Cinnamon Organic Popcorn Flavored Greek Yogurt Rice cakes with almond butter and honey Dried Fruits Skim Latte Post-Workout Snacks (High Protein) Chocolate Protein Pudding Hard Boiled Egg and Dried Fruits Chocolate Milk Rice cakes with cottage cheese and tomato slices Pistachio and a fruit Protein...
There are five skin type that you should be aware of. These are: - Normal Normal type skin is generally smooth and clean looking. It only needs a light face cleanser and a light moisturizer. - Oily Oily type skin is shiny or greasy. Only use oil-free products. - Dry Dry type skin is tight and flaky. It needs a 24 hour moisturizer. -Sensitive Sensitive...
Knowing that you are watching your little ones grow up into beautiful beings, you must pack extra stuff for them so that you will always be prepared. When going anywhere, you need the must basic of things to toll around with. Essentials Needed: 1. Diapers and Under-wears: Have at least 4 of each, depending on how long you are planning to stay out you...
Being a mother is one of the hardest but enjoyable jobs there is. You being a mother simply means you are selfless, you are everyone's shoulder to cry on, the one who has the answers to all life's problems and who will love no matter what. This post is dedicated to all mothers. 1. Planning When planning your mother's day dinner party, you must...
1. Bruises Applied to affected areas will speed up the healing process, reduces discoloration and swelling. 2. Diabetes When coconut oil is consumed, it can help stabilize the sugar levels in the blood and help to better control cravings. 3. Eczema When applied to affected areas will help reduce itching. 4. Energy It can help boost your energy levels by stimulating your metabolism and help in the...
Makeup is a way for both women and men to enhance their beauties and that you can't do without the perfect vanity that fits your style and personality. 1. The Mirror For me, the perfect vanity must have one of the most important elements which is the mirror. I personally like a bit of vintage touch when it comes on to my mirror....
Banana Munches -1 banana, mashed into munch -1 cup of pellets - Preheat oven at 180 degrees C. - Line baking sheet with parchment paper. - Grind the pellets into powder. - Combine all ingredients. - Take 2 teaspoon of mixture and roll into a ball. - Place on baking sheet then bake for 1/2 hour. Oatmeal Carrot Bunny Treats 1/4 cup oats, powdered 1/4 cup...