Guest Post: How to turn your house into an attractive destination

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Author's Bio: Hey! I’m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites. Also, I’m interested in traveling, and my dream is to travel around the whole globe. I’ve already been to Norway, France, German, Poland, and Morocco. Next time I want to visit India. I’m going to write a book about my adventures in different countries.

If you’re a hospitable person, then you probably love to invite people over and entertain your guests. You should consider a few details, though, for making the visitors love your place:

1. Keep your bathroom clean

I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep your bathroom ultimately clean. The awesome bathroom is one of the reasons I am a regular client at Best Salon in New York! Make sure there is enough toilet paper and soap so that guests feel comfortable. Hand towel and air freshener are also important for preventing any discomfort and keeping the visitors happy.

2. Pay attention to the smell

Firstly, make sure you eliminate the potential sources of bad smell – unclean dishes, old garbage, or dirty laundry. Secondly, open the windows regularly so that the air in your house remains fresh. The best way to create an inviting smell is to bake something, so get ready when expecting guests!

3. Choose colors wisely

If you want to turn your house into an attractive destination, you should pay attention to the choice of colors. Pastel, calm hues at Best Salon in New York, for example, help to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. Some people add bright spots to their interior, which grab the attention of visitors without ruining the warmth of your home.

4. Add personalized details

I love houses reflecting the personality of their owners because they’re very interesting and different. Enrich your interior with personalized details like souvenirs from your journeys or nice photos taken by you. These simple details will make your home unique!

Use these simple hacks to make your home more inviting!

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