All Things Kids and Babies

Guest Post: Things to consider when choosing the best sport for your child

My name is Zara Lewis and besides being a mom of three: two kids and a puppy, I'm also a designer and freelance writer. I'm passionate about traveling, hiking, cycling and yoga and I love to write about things that are part of my life and inspire me, mostly parenting, beauty and healthy lifestyle topics. I am a regular author on highstylife.com ,...

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3 DIY Melt and Pour Soap Recipes

Lately I have been seriously obsessive about the soap making possess and I have come up with three lovely soap combinations for the melt and pour method. Now, if you are a beginner to soap making and you want a thoughtful, all-natural and adorable gift to give to your family, this holiday, then look no further. Ginger Lemongrass Soap I love these two scent. It's so...

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real estate

Guest Post: How to turn your house into an attractive destination

Author's Bio: Hey! I’m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites. Also, I’m interested in traveling, and my dream is to travel around the whole globe. I’ve already been to Norway, France,...

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Guest Post: How Disuse Syndrome Determines Our Health

Author Bio: Dr. Bae is changing the way spinal surgery is done. He is currently pioneering a study on the use of stem cells for spinal restoration, and is one of only five doctors to receive a significant grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). With a Spine Institute physician on your side, pain won’t stop you from doing the things you...

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Hair and Beauty

Guest Post: The Right Way To Straighten Your Hair

Glossy, straight hair continues to be a leading trend in women's fashion today. You can get this stylish look by following these easy steps for straightening your hair the right way. Wash and Blow Dry Your Hair Before you straighten your hair, you should wash and dry it first. Use a high-quality shampoo that contains proteins and nutrients like Vitamin A. You also...

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Fashion and Lifestyle

Guest Post: 7 Steps to Developing Good Habits (SBO)

Motivation is what drives you to be productive, to succeed, to make something of yourself and show the world that you've made it. Your success need not be phenomenal and could be just a small achievement, but the knowledge that you made it on your own is what makes it huge. What contributes to your motivation is having good habits to guide you...

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real estate

9 Budget Friendly Ways to Increase Your Home Value

When thinking about selling or renting your home, you should try to increase the value with some cosmetic work. You don't have to spend a large sum to achieve this. Keep in mind that you will need to invest to see a large return. The following are things you can do to increase the value of your home on a budget. 1. Give...

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All Things Pets

Milk Subsitute For Pups

For the last two weeks I have been volunteering at an animal shelter. Lets just say it isn't has exciting as I thought it would be but it is soothing. All I do it file but at least I get free range on interviewing the doctors on different topics so I can share with you guys. Ingredients: - 1 tin Evaporated Milk - 1...

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The 27 Commandments of Getting a Flat Toned Tummy

Exercise: Do some yoga! Do some cardio for at least 20 minutes a day for five days a week. Do reserve sit-ups. Don't just work on your tummy. Do crunches with an exercise ball. Do some push-ups. Go swimming Do some core strengthening exercise. Do planks Take the stairs Do leg lifts Lifestyle: Stay inspired! Avoid stress. Get at least 7 to 8...

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Hair and Beauty

Acne Prone Skin Face Mask

Someone with acne prone skin has a chronic skin disease, which is common in adolescent years. This disease involves the inflammation of the sebaceous glands with products an unbalance in the harmonies in the body.   These mask will help prevent or treat your acne. Ingredients: 1/2 organic lemon, juiced  1 tbsp raw organic honey 1/2 tsp nutmeg Combine all ingredients. Apply to a slightly damp and clean...

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Fashion and Lifestyle

10 Foolproof Tactices in Having a Less Stressful Day

Adding stress to the equation of your daily life can have significate impact on your physical and mental well being. So it extremely important for us to take the necessary steps in ensuring our lives run as smoothly as possible and is enjoyed to the fullest. This post is a guideline in helping you decrease your stress levels in your day to day life's. IMPROVE YOUR...

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Fashion and Lifestyle

Guest Post: Refresh Yourself in 10 Minutes!

Author's Bio: Hey! I’m Jessica Carter. Last year I finished UAL (University of Art London) with a specialization in Fashion Journalism. Now I live in NYC and practice skills received there. I try writing about fashion trends for different magazines and websites. Also, I’m interested in traveling, and my dream is to travel around the whole globe. I’ve already been to Norway, France,...

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