Basic Pet First Aid Kit
7:00:00 AM
- Storage Box/Bag
- Emergency Contacts and Info.
Emergency Contacts:
1. Vet #
2. Pet info. with pictures
3. pet Insurance
4. Pet Medical Records
5. Medications and Dosage Instructions (If the pet is taking anything)
6. A List of Any Known Allergies
7. First Aid Book for your type of pet
8. Animal Poison Control #
9. 24 Hours Vet #
Basic First Aid Materials:
- Adhesive Tape
- Cotton Balls
- Gauze Pads and Roll
- Instant Cold Pack
- Q-tip
- Towels and Rugs
- Scissors
- Syringe
- Tongue Depressors
- Tweeters
- Antibacterial Cleaners
- Antibiotic Ointments
- Bactine
- Children's Benadryl
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Petroleum Jelly
- Sterile Saline Eye Solution
- Favorite Treats
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