The Ugly Sweater Party phenomenon as been around since the mid
90's. This is a celebration of the most dreadfully hideous but corky and funny sweaters that are usually based off of a Christmas or Winter theme. This is a step by step way how to throw the ultimate party.
1. Invitations
This is one of the most important of first impression of your party. This will make or break your party. Make them fun and interesting, bring out your inner crazy when designing, using witty phases and funny pictures.
2. Decoration
One of the best advise I can give you is when decorating, keep it to a minimum. The decor must look effortless, simple, collective, corky and fun.
I recommend you display your food and booze in a buffet style self-serve, this will set a causal and relaxed setting for your guest.
3. Activities
The best part of a ugly sweater party, besides the food and happily making a fool out of yourself, is the judging of the ugliest sweater. I live for this! You can set up a poll on who will win and the winner(s) will receive prizes, trophies or a gift certificate plus bragging rights. Imagine you trying your best to come in the ugliest outfit ever without shame!
4. Photo Booth
What is the point of wearing a ugly sweater if you cannot embarrassing yourself more by posting it all on social media. Yeah, it's fun using your phone to take a picture and all but where is the fun in that. Why not have a festive backdrop to go with that dreadful sweater?
5. Party Favors
One on my favorite party flavor is a pair of embellished ugly Christmas socks or anything Christmas related that is fun and cute.
Happy Christmas!!!
Merry Holiday!!